What is the word for "a road that vanishes into the distance"?

I am not sure if there exists a word meaning exactly "a road vanishing in the distance".

Perspective in the context of vision and visual perception, is the way in which objects appear to the eye based on their spatial attributes. In particular, perspective allows for long object to appear to vanish at some point, the vanishing point, which lies on a line called the horizon.

It isn't a single word but road to horizon is used as a phrase. You can find similar images if you search it on Google Images:

enter image description here

I know that roads are usually depicted as vanishing into the horizon but this phrase is self-explanatory. Similarly, road to nowhere is used as a metaphor also for vast roads that seems endless and vanishes into the horizon. It sounds rather poetic though.

Example usage:

Freshwater Road went somewhere, though when you stood outside, it seemed to be a road without end, or a road to nowhere, just narrowed into its own horizon.

[Freshwater Road By Denise Nicholas (2005)]

Note: Road to nowhere is usually used for a situation or course of action offering no prospects of progress or advancement. [oxforddictionaries]

Convergence may be the word you're thinking of.