New posts in integers

Special properties of the number $146$

Is $1234567891011121314151617181920212223......$ an integer?

Square root of $2$ is irrational

Difference between $\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}$ and $\mathbb{Z}_n$

Every natural number is covered by consecutive numbers that sum to a prime power.

Induction proof. Explain in detail why it’s incorrect [duplicate]

A curious sequence (Ascending and descending a staircase)

What is a natural number? [duplicate]

Is (a/b)/c equal to a/(b*c) for integer division?

What is the smallest integer greater than 1 such that $\frac12$ of it is a perfect square and $\frac15$ of it is a perfect fifth power?

Sum of all integers

A sequence of coefficients of $x+(x+(x+(x+(x+(x+\dots)^6)^5)^4)^3)^2$

Calculate the minimum value of an integer $x$, such that $\left\lfloor\frac{xy^2}{xy+w(y-z)}\right\rfloor>z$

"Rectangularity" of integers

The best symbol for non-negative integers?

Closed form for $1^k + ... + n^k$ (generalized Harmonic number)

Can sum of a rational number and its reciprocal be an integer?

Why are integers subset of reals?

How to prove $\gcd(a^2,b^2) = (\gcd(a,b))^2$?

A conjecture about numbers of the form $10^{m}(2^{k}−1)+2^{k-1}−1$, where $m$ is the number of decimal digits of $ 2^{k-1}$.