New posts in oeis

Sufficiently large integers can be partitioned into squares of distinct integers whose reciprocals sum to 1.

How many different functions we have by only use of $\min$ and $\max$?

Mistake in OEIS A103904?

Why would you take the logarithmic derivative of a generating function?

How many combinatorially distinct ways are there to tile an equilateral triangle with $k$ $60^\circ-120^\circ$ trapezoids?

Does the "prime ant" ever backtrack?

A generalization of the product of harmonic numbers to non-integer arguments

The equation $\sigma(n)=\sigma(n+1)$

Is Conway's "Look and Say Sequence" strictly increasing?

Greatest number of non-attacking moves that queens can make on an $n \times n$ chess board.

Pattern in number of digits in $(10^n)!$

A sequence of coefficients of $x+(x+(x+(x+(x+(x+\dots)^6)^5)^4)^3)^2$

Repeatedly taking mean values of non-empty subsets of a set: $2,\,3,\,5,\,15,\,875,\,...$

Is OEIS A248049 an integer sequence?