New posts in indirect-objects

Indirect object pronoun before direct object

Sentence patterns: There are 16 ways to "leave" your book

Why "answer me" but not "answer me the question"?

Is saying "Let me show you it" totally wrong?

Indirect object? Direct object? In active voice? In passive voice?

Why do we say "I envy you your <something>"?

"Ask me anything" and "Ask anything to me"

Origin of stating indirect object by sentence structure and no pronoun

Which one is more appropriate to use: "send you" or "send to you"?

"Subject, verb, direct object, object complement" versus "subject, verb, indirect object, direct object"

Use of pronoun for objects in the preceding sentence [duplicate]

Is "Whom did you give the book?" ungrammatical?

Using only a direct object with the verb "give"

'She' as sentence object [duplicate]

Does "to help" only have indirect object without having a direct object?

Can a sentence have an indirect object without a direct object?

"I gave him + INDIRECT OBJECT" vs. "I gave + INDIRECT OBJECT+ to him"

recommend you + to-infinitive vs recommend that you + infinitive

Is it incorrect to say, 'Give me it'?

What's wrong with "I'll open you the door"?