New posts in indefinite-articles

Is it "she's a vegetarian" or "she's vegetarian"? [duplicate]

When to use indefinite article before "independence"?

Using 'a' or 'an' different in speaking and writing [duplicate]

"Technology" vs. "a technology" [closed]

what article should go before specific games?

Using articles for generalization

Repetition of articles in a sentence

"images with at least one defect" or "images with at least a defect"?

"An RPG" or "a RPG"? [duplicate]

Lack of vs A lack of

Dialog with an ok and cancel button

"Going to Maldives" or "going to the Maldives"?

When did the a/an distinction happen?

“What a weather” vs. “What weather” [closed]

What do you make of the quoted paragraph below?

I love pictures on my phone - what does zero article imply?

Can I start a sentence with a singular noun with no article?

Birth of a universe vs birth of an universe [duplicate]

How can you explain this articles rule?

"As I am wo/man" in Twelfth Night, II, 2 (Shakespeare): a case of indefinite article omission or no?