New posts in indefinite-articles

Is there an exceptional use of the article ‘a/an’? [duplicate]

Why is there an indefinite article before "London"? [duplicate]

When to use inverted word-order like "great an option"? [closed]

indefinite article before I(0)

Whats correct "an quiz icon" or "a quiz icon"? [duplicate]

What's the rule behind the use of the articles to refer to something in general? [closed]

The indefinite article – does local pronunciation change when I should use a/an [closed]

A becomes an before a word beginning with a vowel, does this apply to u? [duplicate]

"An SATA device"? Weird article choice in suggested edit

"replaced with an empty string" vs "replaced with the empty string" - which is correct?

"A first post" -- makes sense or not?

Should I use `a SSTP` or `an SSTP`? [duplicate]

Difference between "change is constant" and "change is a constant"

"generally good practice" - Where to place an article?

Which article must be used here, a or an? [duplicate]

"White" vs. "a white" vs. "a white person"

Do I need any article in the following case? [duplicate]

Use of 'The' before 'State University' [duplicate]

How on Earth can we say 'a' moon?

Is correct to say: "John, there is a Mr. Smith on the phone for you" [duplicate]