New posts in group-theory

Derived subgroups of $SL(2,2)$, $SL(2,3)$ and $GL(2,3)$

Show that a group of order $pq$ has subgroup of order $p$ and $q$ without using sylow's and cauchy's theorem

Algebraic argument for why any $A_5$ in $S_6$ can be extended to an $S_5$ in $S_6$

Cyclic property of the root of a cubic polynomial

Solvable group of order $pqr^2$

free groups: $F_X\cong F_Y\Rightarrow|X|=|Y|$

About actions of ${\rm Aut}(G)$, conjugacy classes and inner automorphisms of said group

Show that $PSL(3,4)$ has no element of order $15$.

Generators of a cyclic group

Kernel of Group Action

Some questions about representations of $SO(6)$

When is $\mathbb{Z}$ a flat $\mathbb{Z}G$-module?

Classifying groups of order 60

For which $n$ is it "feasible" to classify groups of order $n$?

Category theory for graph theory research

Subgroup which is generated by odd elements

Is the group of positive rationals under multiplication isomorphic to its subgroup consisting of rationals with odd numerators and denominators?

Permutation Representations and Group Actions

Structure of simple group of order 168 just via Sylow theory (fix for Math Doctor Bob)

Does this almost-group uniquely define a group?