New posts in graph-theory

Modelling a problem in Graph Theory language

Name for a complete graph with a perfect matching removed?

Average degree of graph and degree

What's the difference between the automorphism and isomorphism of graph?

Show that the isoperimetric number $i(G)$ of $G$ satisfies $i(G) \le \mu/2$

Are these two graphs isomorphic? Why/Why not?

How to visualize the boost graph and perform dijkstra's shortest path?

When a 0-1-matrix with exactly two 1’s on each column and on each row is non-degenerated? [1]

How do I show that a loopless graph contains a spanning graph with certain properties? [closed]

Proof of Hamilton Cycle in a Complete Bipartite Graph

Theoretical link between the graph diffusion/heat kernel and spectral clustering

Limiting behavior of coins on a finite graph with flips activated by a full neighborhood

Help with a Bollobás proof - Switching between random graph models

Embedding the Infinite Binary Tree in Regular Tilings

Who has a winning strategy in the hamilton-circle-game?

Ensure weak connectivity in all k-out k-regular graphs depending on the number of vertices

In a graph, the vertices can be partitioned $V=V_1\cup V_2$ so that at most half of all edges run within each part?

Examples of classes $\mathcal{C}$ of structures such that every finite group is isomorphic to the automorphism group of a structure in $\mathcal{C}$

Coloring grid points with two colors

Prove that connected graph $G$ with $\delta (G)\geq 3$ contains a cycle $C$ such that $G-E(C)$ is still connected.