Let $C$ be the condition on a line (row/column) that number of red points differs from the number of blue points by at most $1$.

We shall prove the statement by induction on the number of grid points $n=|S|$. Suppose all sets with number of grid points $<n$ can be coloured with red and blue points such that in each row and column, $C$ is satisfied. We shall now prove the statement for $n$ grid points.

Case 1: There is atleast one row or column with an odd number of elements

Call the said row/column $L$. In this case we pick any point $P$ from $L$ and apply our induction hypothesis on $S- \{P\}$, to obtain a colouring of $S- \{P\}$. The number of points in $L- \{P\}$ is even, and therefore must contain equal number of Red and Blue points if it is to satisfying condition $C$. Thus, whether we colour P blue or red, condition $C$ is still satisfied for $L$. Let $L_2$ be the line through $P$ perpendicular to $L$. We colour P red if the number of blue points in $L_2- \{P\}\geq$ number of red points in $L_2- \{P\}$ and blue otherwise. This colouring of $S$ satisfies $C$ for all rows and columns and we are done.

Case 2: All rows and columns have an even number of elements

This case is trickier.

Pick any point $P_1$ and draw a horizontal line through it extending towards either right or left (which ever side has at least $1$ point). Let $P_2$ be the first point it meets. $P_2$ must exist as all rows and columns have an even number of elements. Now draw a vertical line through $P_2$, extending towards either up or down (which ever side has at least $1$ point), and let $P_3$ be the first point it meets. Draw a horizontal line through $P_3$ and so on. Let $j$ be the least number such that $P_j=P_i$ for some $i<j$.($j=11$ in the figure) If $i$ and $j$ have the same parity(for $i=3$ in the figure), $P_iP_{i+1}$ and $P_{j-1}P_{i}$ are perpendicular. If not (if for example, $i=2$ in the figure), increment $i$ by 1. Then, for the new $i$, $P_iP_{i+1}$ and $P_{j-1}P_{i}$ are perpendicular.

Here is a diagram for illustration. Diagram

Let $S'=\{P_i,P_{i+1},...,P_{j-1}\}$. We apply induction hypothesis on $S-S'$ and colour $P_i$ blue, $P_{i+1}$ red, $P_{i+2}$ blue and so on till $P_{j-1}$ is coloured Red.

Any line in S goes through a number of pairs of adjacent points of S' with different colours, and through points of $S-S'$ and therefore satisfies $C$. Hence, we are done.

(The base case is trivial and left as an exercise.)


Let $V=\{v_1,v_2,...v_n\}$ be a set of vertical and $H=\{h_1,h_2,...h_m\}$ set of horizontal lines which have vertices from the set $S$ and connect line $v_i$ with line $h_j$ iff $v_i\cap h_j \in S$, so we get a bipartite graph $G= (V,H)$.

  • So the edges of this graph $G$ are vertices of $S$ (and vertices in $G$ are lines in $V$ and $H$).
  • It is enough to prove the statement for connected components of $G$.

So let $K$ be any component in $G$ and we procede with induction on $|G|$.

Take any cycle $C$ in $K$ and color it edges alternatively red and blue. Since $G$ has only even cycles this means that each vertex in this cycle $C$ has one red and one blue edge. So if we "delete" all edges of $C$ in $K$ we get $K'$ and we can apply induction on $K'$ and we are done.

Now if there is no cycle in $K$ then $K$ is a tree so we have (at least) two leaves $l,l'$. Take path $P$ from $l$ to $l'$ and color edges again alternatively. Since $l$ and $l'$ have only one edge we are done for them and all other vertices on this path $P$ have again one red and one blue edge. So, if we "delete" all edges on this path we get new $K'$ and we can again use induction on $K'$ and we are done again.