New posts in grammaticality

"As on 16 May" vs. "as of 16 May" — which is correct?

"Seems like an overkill" vs. "seems like overkill" [closed]

Is the usage of "will" proper in "Usually on Saturday, I will go to the store"?

‘Dembele Cannot Have Said Much To The Referee’ - grammatically correct?

Can we say “front of spring” or merely “beginning of spring”?

"I am a big fan of you" or "I am a big fan of yours"?

"I would like that he was normal"; is this sentence correct?

Is it acceptable to use "almost" at the end of a sentence to make it sound dramatic?

Is there an implied verb missing?

What is grammatically correct? [closed]

I received [an A / As] on my exams

How to use "what better way" to ask a rhetorical question?

what is the purpose of "as" here?

Does or Do? (This is a dissertation’s initial research question) [closed]

Reported speech or no?

Early Modern English

Use of "although" with a modifier

Should I replace "It would be possible that" and if so, why?

Infinitive form in reported commands

How far have you understood my lesson? [closed]