How far have you understood my lesson? [closed]

As far as I know your answer is correct..I think this statement is correct.

How far have you understood my lesson?

I am doubtful about the correctness of the sentence.But how far means to what extent. so my question seems to be correct.

How well have you understood my lesson?

I think The above is a correct sentence.

If how far have you understood my lesson is wrong, what is the correct alternative for the question besides how well have you understood?

Here are two links which show the usage of how far.

Aftet going through these two links

I have found this sentence:

How far has this penetrated into the general public?

So I think:

How far have you understood my lesson is not at all wrong.

Solution 1:

Understanding is not a matter of distance but of completeness. So alternatives you could use are:

How well have you understood my question.

How completely have you understood my question.

How much have you understood the information.

Note, for the last one we can't use "question" because much relates to the quantity of a substance not the completeness of it.

You could also say:

How far have you got in understanding my question

Here you are treating the process of understanding as a journey, and you are asking how far along the journey have traveled.