New posts in geography

Pronunciations of the geographical name 'Orion' [closed]

What do you call someone from the Americas if not American? [closed]

Are "Czech Republic" and "Chechnya" cognates?

Why do the names of so many places end in -ia? [closed]

What terms describe who pays for a meal? [closed]

Is there a process name for an island becoming unisolated?

Java, convert lat/lon to UTM [closed]

Adjective relating to Great Britain and Ireland

Word for crossing the bottom of a valley

Etymology of "Djibouti"

Expression for an abrupt change in height

When referring to an event held in a country whose name has changed, should you use the new or old name

Term for derogatory suffix used with city names?

Why are country names localized and city names not?

What is the English word for "rinconada"

Create a surface plot of xyz altitude data in Python

Term for all landmasses connected to Europe?

Why do we say County Durham?

What is the history and geographic area of the word "finna?"

Can I use the term 'America' to signify just the United States?