What terms describe who pays for a meal? [closed]

I have heard the terms go dutch and AA used to mean that, when two or more people eat at a restaurant, each will pay only the price of their own dish. Also treat is used to describe the act of one person paying for the meal of themselves and another.

  • Has anyone conducted a study on the terms used and their geographic distribution?
  • In which regions of the world are these terms used?
  • Are there other terms which might be more popular in North America, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand?

Solution 1:

In Australia, to shout is used to mean to buy your mates something, usually a drink. I've also heard it being used as a noun, like in "this is my shout", meaning I'll get this one.

Solution 2:


This meal is on John

means that John will pay for it.

Solution 3:

"I suggest we (or Let's) split the bill" is also a common expression.

Technically, "splitting the bill" means calculating the entire expense then dividing it equally between all the participants. This is faster and more convenient, but could also be unfair to those who didn't order much.

Casually, "going dutch" can also be used to mean the same.