"Travel" vs. "travels" [closed]

Solution 1:

I believe you should use Travels for your root folder name. The folder is a photographic chronicle of your travels, as you would say, and the pluralization reflects the further division into different locations.

I think this would be more correct than calling the folder travel, although travel could also work if you looked at the collection of pictures as a single entity.

Solution 2:

Both are correct. Either Travel or Travels can be an appropriate name for a collection of your trip memorabilia.

The noun travel has more than one meaning. Here are the first two meanings given by Google [ define travel ]:

  1. The action of traveling, typically abroad “I have a job that involves a lot of travel”
  2. Journeys, esp. long or exotic ones “perhaps you'll write a book about your travels”

When you use the noun travel individually to mean a journey, trip, adventure, or holiday (definition 2, as in “my travel to Paris” or “my travels to various places“), then when you are referring to multiple such trips it will require the plural (travels).

But when you use the noun travel to mean your practice of taking trips (as in “I love travel”), in that case, it does not require a plural form.

Either one could apply in this situation, so you have your choice.

Solution 3:

Travel or travels would be correct, but travels would sound more natural. Travel is only used singularly when it refers to the act or conduct of traveling.

We have discovered space travel.
Travel between Honshu and Hokkaido is possible by train.
Time travel is cool.

The plural "travels" is used when referring to an account of ones own travels.

I've learned a lot from my travels.
He is weary from his travels.
I have photos from my travels.