New posts in functions

Bash: Define a function in bashrc that can be used by any scripts globally

function identity: does $\frac{x^2-4}{x-2} = x+2$

How do I define exactly what a function is?

How is the similarity of the structure of two functions defined?

Finding the minimum value of a function without using Calculus

Do holes affect the type of function (even, odd or neither)

Which function word to use when using multiple verbs

Circle to circle homotopic to the constant map?

A 1/x function that intesects both the x and y axes at specific points, and whose shape can be changed.

Find all polynomials $p$ such that $p(x+1)=p(x)+2x+1.$

Is $\sqrt{x}$ an even function?

Can there exist a non-constant continuous function that has a derivative of zero everywhere?

Union of preimages and preimage of union

Finite Sets, Equal Cardinality, Injective $\iff$ Surjective.

In the phrase "color spectrum", what part of speech is color? What formal or functional evidence supports your identification?

How do you minimize "hinge-loss"?

How to denote "powers" of a function?

Are surjective functions a pointless concept? [duplicate]

If $f \circ g = f$, prove that $f$ is a constant function.

Prove that $f$ has finite number of roots