New posts in functions

Bijection between $3^{\mathbb N}$ and $\mathcal P(\mathbb N)$?

Finding $f$ from the functional equation $f(x+y)=f(x) + f(y) + e^{x+y}(x+y)-xe^x-ye^y+2xy$

Finding function $f(x)$ which satisfy given functional equation

What counts as a "known" function

Proving a set is uncountable

is there a formula for modulo

Proof that a bijection has unique two-sided inverse

Is "$f$" the function or is "$f(x)$" the function? [duplicate]

For how many functions $f$ is $f(x)^{2}=x^{2}$?

Prove the following ceiling and floor identities?

Can we write the definition of image of set as below?

Spivak Calculus, Ch 4 Graphs, Problem 17v: is the solution manual solution correct? [duplicate]

A continuous function defined on an interval can have a mean value. What about a median?

Let $f:[1,10]\to \Bbb{Q}$ be a continuous function and $f(1)=10,$then $f(10)=?$

Function to define sequence $1,2,1,3,1,2,1,4,1,2,1,3,1,2,1,5,1,\dots$

Function which derivative at $0$ is $1$ but is not monotonic increasing

If $f: \Bbb{N} \to \Bbb{N}$ is strictly increasing and $f(f(n))=3n$, find $f(2001)$. [duplicate]

What is the correct notation for a multivariable function?

Growth rate of $n^{\sin n}$

Solve for $x$ in the equation containing ${\lfloor{x}\rfloor}$ and $\{x\}$