New posts in multisets

Bijection between $3^{\mathbb N}$ and $\mathcal P(\mathbb N)$?

Stirling numbers of the second kind on Multiset

What is the number of bijections between two multisets?

How many permutations of a multiset have a run of length k?

Counting k-combinations excluding duplicate mathematically

Formula for r-Permutations of a Multiset

Derangements of multisets

Partitioning a multiset into multisets of fixed sizes

Combinations of multisets - the theory?

How to compactly write a simple set for 2 variables when second variable may have same properties as first or it may optionally be positive infinity?

Combination for subset with duplicates

Distributing groups of objects into boxes

Combinatorics: Number of possible 10-card hands from superdeck (10 times 52 cards)

Permutations of Subsets of a Multiset

An efficient method for computing the number of submultisets of size n, of a given multiset

How to find the number of $k$-permutations of $n$ objects with $x$ types, and $r_1, r_2, r_3, \cdots , r_x$ = the number of each type of object?

Why does mathematical convention deal so ineptly with multisets?

extended stars-and-bars problem(where the upper limit of the variable is bounded)