New posts in bashrc

How to stop bash prompt colours from escaping

Shell prompt customization and cmd behavior

How can I uniqely record every new command I use, and possibly timestamp it?

Lazy Calculation result of bash functions in alias

How to easily make an alias command permanent? [duplicate]

Updating the ~/.bashrc file for a script

How to specify root's environment variable?

Store frequently used terminal commands in a file

Prompt doesn't update git branch

Command history seems to be missing the first 75 lines

How to Add Options to Bash Function

HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth doesn't work [duplicate]

script to show git branch in bash no longer works on ubuntu 18.04

Virtualenv permission denied

Open terminal in current directory with tmux

how do I change the way directories are shown in the terminal [duplicate]

Bash Alias Adding a Background Process

gnome-terminal: how to preserve symlinks of working directory when opening new tab?

What is the difference between using "echo" command and editing using "vi" when making changes to .bashrc file?

What if I don't have a bashrc?