New posts in alias

Hostname Aliases in XP Pro

How to SetEnv for an Alias

Why are Mac OS X alias files so large?

bash, get part of file limited by 2 strings based on grep

Creating a postfix alias "[email protected]" to send to all users of a domain

How to create a link, for multiple users, to a network share, which itself is on a network share?

How does macOS implement symbolic link in Mojave on FAT32 filesystems?

Open files in existing Gvim in multiple (new) tabs

Does Apache Alias support relative paths?

Lazy Calculation result of bash functions in alias

"Trash" equivalent for 12.04

Documentation for alias definitions for PowerShell arguments used with Get-ChildItem

How to easily make an alias command permanent? [duplicate]

random "broken" alias from Keynote presentation

Alias substitution for a string to use it in a terminal command

Alias hostname for localhost

Create a clickable desktop shortcut for an alias

Docker exec doesn't load aliases

Hotstrings on a bash console

alias command that works in ssh too