Documentation for alias definitions for PowerShell arguments used with Get-ChildItem

Solution 1:

Down on the parameter lists of the documentation, you can find that -af is inded documented as an alias of -File.


To get a list of files, use the File parameter. You can use the Recurse parameter with File.

Type:                                              SwitchParameter

Aliases:                                           af

Position:                                          Named

Default value:                                  None

Accept pipeline input:                      False

Accept wildcard characters:            False

Solution 2:

Is there another set of aliases for command line arguments when the command name itself is abbreviated, as in using gci for Get-ChildItem?

There are several alias for the Get-ChildItem cmdlet.

enter image description here

Source: Notes

However, I have not been able to find out a source of documentation where the -af alias is defined. For example, it is not defined in the primary documentation page for Get-ChildItem.

The alias for -File parameter most certainly is defined in the primary documentation page for Get-ChildItem

enter image description here

Source: Get-ChildItem

Solution 3:

All cmdlet and parameter aliases can be seen this way:

  • # Get named aliases:
      Get-Alias |
      Out-GridView -PassThru -Title 'Available aliases'
    # Get cmdlet / function parameter aliases:
      (Get-Command Get-ChildItem).Parameters.Values |
      where aliases |
      select Name, Aliases |
      Out-GridView -PassThru -Title 'Alias results for a given cmdlet or function.'

Another way of the above, but a bit different than your stated change, with the same results:

  • Function Get-CommandAlias
      Get-Command $CommandName |
      Select-Object -expand ParameterSets |
      Foreach-Object { $PSItem.Parameters} |
      Where-Object { $PSItem.Aliases -ne $null } |
      Select-Object Name, Aliases -Unique |
      Sort-Object Name
    gca -CommandName Get-Help
      # Results:
        Name                  Aliases
        ----                  -------
        Debug                 {db}
        ErrorAction           {ea}
        ErrorVariable         {ev}
        InformationAction     {infa}
        InformationVariable   {iv}
        OutBuffer             {ob}
        OutVariable           {ov}
        PipelineVariable      {pv}
        Verbose               {vb}
        WarningAction         {wa}
        WarningVariable       {wv}

Yet another, before digging at parm aliases:

  • # Get a list of all commandlets for the specified name:
      Get-Command -Name '*Help*'  -CommandType Cmdlet |
      Out-GridView -PassThru -Title 'Available named cmdlet'
      Get-Command -CommandType Cmdlet |
      Where-Object { $PSItem.parameters.keys -match 'credential'} |
      Out-GridView -PassThru -Title 'Available cmdlets which has a specific parameter'
    # Get a list of all functions:
      Get-Command -CommandType Function |
      Out-GridView -PassThru -Title 'Available functions'
    # Get a list of all functions for the specified name:
      Get-Command -Name '*Help*' -CommandType Function |
      Out-GridView -PassThru -Title 'Available named functions'
    # Find all cmdlets / functions with a target parameter:
      Get-Command -CommandType Function |
      Where-Object { $PSItem.parameters.keys -match 'credential'} |
      Out-GridView -PassThru -Title 'Available functions which has a specific parameter'
    # Get specifics for a module, cmdlet, or function:
      (Get-Command -Name Get-Help).Parameters
      (Get-Command -Name Get-Help).Parameters.Keys
      Get-help -Name Get-Help -Examples
      Get-help -Name Get-Help -Full
      Get-help -Name Get-Help -Online
    # Get parameter that accepts pipeline input:
      Get-Help Get-ADUser -Parameter '*' |
      Where-Object {$PSItem.pipelineInput -match 'true'} |
      Select-Object -Property '*'
    # Get property enums/options for a specifc cmdlet/function:
      # 1:
        (Get-Service | Select-Object -First 1).Status.GetType()
      # 2:
        (Get-ChildItem -Path $PWD)[0].GetType().GetMethods()
    # List of all parameters that a given cmdlet supports along with a short description::
      Get-Help dir -para '*' |
      Format-Table Name, { $PSItem.Description[0].Text } -wrap
    # List all loaded session modules and the exposed cmdlets / functions in them:
      Get-Module -Name '*' |
      ForEach-Object { Get-Command -Module $PSItem } |
      Out-GridView -PassThru -Title 'Available loaded modules and their cmdlets / functions'
    # Get a list of specific cmdlets/functions in a module:
      (Get-Module -Name 'PSReadline' -All).ExportedCommands |
      Out-GridView -PassThru -Title "Available loaded modules and their cmdlets / functions"