New posts in even-and-odd-functions

Do holes affect the type of function (even, odd or neither)

Is $\sqrt{x}$ an even function?

Is $f(\theta) = 1 - \alpha \sin{\theta}$ an odd function?

When an odd polynomial is a one-one map on $\mathbb{R}$

Why is $\hat f(\xi)/\xi\in L^1(\mathbb R)$ when $f\in L^1$ is odd,$\hat f'(0)$ exists, and $\hat f(\xi)$ always has the same sign as $\xi$?

If $f \circ f$ is odd, then is so $f$?

Generalization of even / odd functions

Is $x\log\bigl(\cos(x)\bigr)$ an even or odd function?

Improper Integral - Odd Function and Symmetric range but Diverge

Determining whether a piecewise function is odd or even

Relation of bijective functions and even functions?

Let $E,O$ $\subset$ $F(R,R)$ denote the sets of even and odd functions respectively. Prove that the $E$ and $O$ are subspaces.

Can we use symmetry rules in improper integrals?

Can there be a function that's even and odd at the same time?

$f(a)+f(-b)=0$ implies $f(-a)+f(b)=0$. Then $f$ is an odd function?

How do I divide a function into even and odd sections?

Why it is important to write a function as sum of even and odd functions?