New posts in first-order-logic

Soundness multiple definitions

Looking for help in understanding a proof of the fixed point lemma in mathematical logic.

Why can't we formalize the lambda calculus in first order logic?

Is $\Bbb R$ definable in $(\Bbb C,0,1,+,*,\exp)$?

Predicate vs function [duplicate]

is there a short, unambiguous way to write that a statement isnt always true?

With this definition of completeness, Gödel's Incompleteness result seems not surprising, so why it was back then?

Running an infinite amount of Turing Machine steps in a finite amount of time: What consequences?

Given ∃x.¬p(x), use the Fitch System to prove ¬∀x.p(x).

Do we have to prove how parentheses work in the Peano axioms?

How to think about theories that prove their own inconsistency?

Established conventions for distinguishing the consequence relations of FOL

How does Gödel Completeness fail in second-order logic?

Is the compactness theorem (from mathematical logic) equivalent to the Axiom of Choice?

What is the purpose of free variables in first order logic?

Set theoretic concepts in first order logic

Is there a decision procedure for *monadic* intuitionist first-order logic?

Are the natural numbers implicit in the construction of first-order logic? If so, why is this acceptable?

Is $ \pi $ definable in $(\Bbb R,0,1,+,×, <,\exp) $?

What's the problem in logic in defining satisfaction in terms of a formal translation (and thus obtain the rules as theorems)?