New posts in figures-of-speech

99% of people would do x

Meaning of "non-normative"?

"Carved from the living rock" — since when was rock ever alive?

Let me know your availability [closed]

Idiom meaning to talk about something everyone already knows

What is funny in this paraprosdokian?

HYPALLAGE: He nodded his agreeing head

What is the term for repetition of an initial syllable in successive words?

What is the difference between “metaphorical”, “allegorical”, and “figurative”?

Is there a figurative term equivalent to the German idiom "Fingerübung"?

Possession and personification

Are "I scream" and "Ice cream" homophones, or do we have another term here?

“A government of the people, by the people, for the people”

What is a synonym for "jack of all trades, master of none"?

Where does the phrase "Scare the Dickens out of..." originate from?

When is the phrase, “Are you sitting down?” used, and what does it exactly mean?

Origin and meaning of "You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar"

The Yellow Wallpaper - What does *Smooch* mean?

What is the term to describe the use of "City Hall" in "you can't fight City Hall"?

Is there a word for when you use an abstract noun in a concrete sense? [closed]