New posts in fake-proofs

Where is wrong with this fake proof that Gaussian integer is a field?

Proof derivative equals zero?

What is wrong with this proof that symmetric matrices commute?

Why is $i^3$ (the complex number "$i$") equal to $-i$ instead of $i$? [duplicate]

The sum of powers of two and two's complement – is there a deeper meaning behind this?

How not to prove the Riemann hypothesis

The "assumption" in proof by induction

Understanding Euclid's proof that the number of primes is infinite. [duplicate]

What are some classic fallacious proofs? [duplicate]

Theorems true "with probability 1"?

Where does the gap come from? [duplicate]

Induction proof. Explain in detail why it’s incorrect [duplicate]

Problem when integrating $e^x / x$.

Flawed proof that all positive integers are equal

Possible fake proof of $1= -1$ [duplicate]

Demonstration that 0 = 1 [duplicate]

Proof of Drinker paradox [duplicate]

Seems that I just proved $2=4$.

"Proof" all integrals are $0$