New posts in fake-proofs

When does $\sqrt{a b} = \sqrt{a} \sqrt{b}$?

Fermat's Last Theorem simple proof

Fake proofs using matrices

Trying to understand why circle area is not $2 \pi r^2$

Tell me problems that can trick you

False proof that $ρe^{iθ} = ρ$ and so complex numbers do not exist? [duplicate]

$1/i=i$. I must be wrong but why? [duplicate]

What is the flaw of this proof (largest integer)?

Fake proof that $1=0$ using the product law for limits

Apparent inconsistency of Lebesgue measure

Why does this $u$-substitution zero out my integral?

Can anything interesting be said about this fake proof?

What is wrong with my "disproof" of Cantor's Theorem?

"Too simple to be true"

Why Are the Reals Uncountable?

Is every parallelogram a rectangle ??

Lamport claims there is an error in Kelley's proof of the Schroeder-Bernstein theorem. What is it?

What is wrong with this funny proof that 2 = 4 using infinite exponentiation?

Can't find the flaw in the reasoning for this proof by induction?

Which step in this process allows me to erroneously conclude that $i = 1$