New posts in fake-proofs

Failure of an elementary 'proof' of Fermat's Last Theorem?

Where did I go wrong with my odd proof that $\frac{3dx}{3x} = \frac{5dx}{5x} \iff 3=5$?

I can't remember a fallacious proof involving integrals and trigonometric identities.

What is wrong with this putative proof?

Nonsense from combining two iffs ($\iff$)

How to find the error in a proof? (that $1=0$)

Where am I wrong that I can prove every subgroup is normal?

Fake Proof for Dimension of $SO(n)$ (rotations)?

What's wrong with this "proof" that Gödel's first incompleteness theorem is wrong?

What's going on with this 5-line proof of Fermat's Last Theorem? [duplicate]

A contradiction involving exponents

Proof that every field is perfect?

What's wrong with this proof that commutativity is implied by the other field axioms?

There are no bearded men in the world - What goes wrong in this proof?

Funny thing. Multiplying both the sides by 0?

An outrageous way to derive a Laurent series: why does this work?

Two paradoxes: $\pi = 2$ and $\sqrt 2 = 2$ [duplicate]

What mistakes, if any, were made in Numberphile's proof that $1+2+3+\cdots=-1/12$?

Why isn't $e^{2\pi xi}=1$ true for all $x$?

What is the flaw in this proof that all triangles are isosceles?