New posts in factoring

How can I calculate this limit without using exponential or logs as I found on internet?

What is the sum of all positive even divisors of 1000?

Factor $(x+y)^4+x^4+y^4$

How to factor the quadratic polynomial $2x^2-5xy-y^2$?

Rings $R/I \cong h(R)/h(I)\,$ for injective ring hom $h$ [duplicate]

Multiplication partitioning into k distinct elements

The coefficients of a product of monic polynomials are $0$ and $1$; if the polynomials' coefficients are non-negative, must they also be $0$ and $1$?

Irreducibility of $~\frac{x^{6k+2}-x+1}{x^2-x+1}~$ over $\mathbb Q[x]$

Factorize $abx^2-(a^2+b^2)x+ab$

How to obtain the complete factorization of $P_n(X)=\frac{(X+i)^{2n+1} - (X-i)^{2n+1}}{2i} = 0$

Solve $\sqrt{x+4}-\sqrt{x+1}=1$ for $x$

Irreducibility of $x^n-x-1$ over $\mathbb Q$

Factorize $(x+1)(x+2)(x+3)(x+6)- 3x^2$

The logic of the AC Method of factoring quadratic polynomials

Factoring a trinomial with three different variables (grade 10)

Solve $x^4+3x^3+6x+4=0$... easier way?

Factoring $x^n + y^n$ over the integers

Is there a simple explanation why degree 5 polynomials (and up) are unsolvable?

Could G. H. Hardy make a product of two primes so big he couldn't find out which?

Factoring $X^{16}+X$ over $\mathbb{F}_2$