Irreducibility of $~\frac{x^{6k+2}-x+1}{x^2-x+1}~$ over $\mathbb Q[x]$
The Artin—Schreier polynomial $~x^n-x+1~$ is always irreducible over $\mathbb Q[x]$, unless $n=6k+2$, in which case it seems to have only two factors, one of which is always $x^2-x+1$. The irreducibility of its other factor, $$\dfrac{x^{6k+2}-x+1}{x^2-x+1}$$ holds for all k lesser than $790$, at the very least. My question would be whether it holds $~\forall~k\in\mathbb N$.
$\big($I have no formal training in abstract algebra, other than knowing the high-school definitions
of groups and rings: that's it. I mention this in case you are probably wondering by now about
the near-lack of any meaningful ideas, on my side, about how to even approach this problem.
I realize that I am in over my head, but the question is so interesting, that I simply could not
resist the temptation, and just had to ask it. Hope you will not hold it against me$\big)$. Thank you.
Solution 1:
Yes, see Theorem 3 in this paper by Ljunggren.