Solve $\sqrt{x+4}-\sqrt{x+1}=1$ for $x$

Can someone give me some hints on how to start solving $\sqrt{x+4}-\sqrt{x+1}=1$ for x?

Like I tried to factor it expand it, or even multiplying both sides by its conjugate but nothing comes up right.


As $(x+4)-(x+1)=3 \ \ \ \ \ $

$\implies (\sqrt{x+4}-\sqrt{x+1})(\sqrt{x+4}+\sqrt{x+1})=3$

$$\text{As }\sqrt{x+4}-\sqrt{x+1}=1\ \ \ \ \ (1)$$

$$\implies \sqrt{x+4}+\sqrt{x+1}=3\ \ \ \ \ (2)$$

Add/subtract $(1)$ and $(2),$ then square

Generalization :

$$\text{As }(ax+b)-(ax+c)=b-c$$

$$\text{If }\sqrt{ax+b}-\sqrt{ax+c}=d \ \ \ \ \ (1) $$

$$\text{As } (ax+b)-(ax+c)=(\sqrt{ax+b}-\sqrt{ax+c})(\sqrt{ax+b}+\sqrt{ax+c})$$

$$\implies \sqrt{ax+b}+\sqrt{ax+c}=\frac{b-c}d\ \ \ \ \ (2)$$

Add/subtract $(1)$ and $(2),$ then square

Start by squaring it to get


which simplifies to


Now square again.

Multiplying by the conjugate as you originally suggested does work here. If you multiply both sides by $\sqrt{x+4} + \sqrt{x+1}$ you get $$(x+4) - (x+1) = \sqrt{x+4} + \sqrt{x+1}$$ Which is the same as $$\sqrt{x+4} + \sqrt{x+1} = 3$$ Add this to the original equation and divide by $2$ to obtain $$\sqrt{x+4} = 2$$ Squaring you get $$x +4 = 4$$ Therefore $x = 0$ is the only solution.

Also note the similarity to lab bhattacharjee's method.

Such equations, if slick tricks such as lab bhattacharjee's can't apply, are solved with a standard procedure:

\begin{align} &\sqrt{x+4}-\sqrt{x+1}=1\\[2ex] &\text{Rearrange}\\ &\sqrt{x+4}=1+\sqrt{x+1}\\[2ex] &\text{Square}\\ &x+4=1+2\sqrt{x+1}+(x+1)\\[2ex] &\text{Rearrange}\\ &2=2\sqrt{x+1}\\[2ex] &\text{Simplify}\\ &1=\sqrt{x+1}\\[2ex] &\text{Square}\\ &1=x+1\\[2ex] &x=0 \end{align}

We just need to ckeck that the solution makes the square roots existent, because at each "Square" stage we are dealing with non negative numbers. Of course the conditions are $$\begin{cases} x\ge-4\\ x\ge-1 \end{cases} $$ which boil down to $x\ge-1$, that's satisfied by our solution.

Some care has to be reserved in different situations, when there's no guarantee that at the "Square" staged we have non negative numbers.

Let $a = \sqrt{x+4}$ and $b=\sqrt{x+1}$. So that $a^2 = x + 4$ and $b^2 = x + 1$.

From the given equation, $$\sqrt{x+4} - \sqrt{x+1}=1 \implies a - b = 1 \ \ \ \text{and} \ \ \ a^2-b^2=3.$$ So we have that, $$a^2-b^2 =(a-b)(a+b)=1 \cdot(a+b)=3 \implies a+b=3.$$ We see that $$(a+b)+(a-b) = 2a.$$ Also, $$(a+b)+(a-b)=3+1=4.$$ Therefore, $$2a=4 \implies a=2 \implies \sqrt{x+4}=2.$$ Solving for $x$, $$x+4=4 \implies x=0.$$