New posts in factoring

Factor $x^4 - 11x^2y^2 + y^4$

Have I found all the numbers less than 50,000 with exactly 11 divisors?

Algorithmic simplification of expressions with $\arctan$, e.g. $2\arctan\frac{5-\sqrt2}{5+\sqrt2}=3\arctan\frac{1}{2\sqrt2}$.

Factoring $x^n+n$ over $\mathbb{Z}[x]$

Irreducibility of $x^{n}+x+1$

Foolproof method for simplifying polynomials with four terms?

Are primes only defined for a specific set?

By viewing the polynomials as a difference of two squares, factorise the following polynomials.

How do you factorise $x^3z - x^3y - y^3z + yz^3 + xy^3 - xz^3$?

Find all roots of $\,(x + 1)(x + 2)(x + 3)^2(x + 4)(x + 5) = 360$

How did Euler realize $x^4-4x^3+2x^2+4x+4=(x^2-(2+\alpha)x+1+\sqrt{7}+\alpha)(x^2-(2-\alpha)x+1+\sqrt{7}-\alpha)$?

Factor $x^4+1$ over $\mathbb{R}$

Factoring a hard polynomial

Is this olympiad-like question about remainders an open problem?

$1^2 - 2^2 + 3^2 - 4^2 + \dots + 1999^2$ using closed form formula for sum of squares of first $n$ natural numbers

How do we know that the Sine function has no Non-Real Roots?

Factorize polynomial over $GF(3)$

Edge of factoring technology?

How many degree $k$, monic polynomials factor completely in $\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}$?

Find $n$ such that $x^2 + x + 1$ is a factor of $(x+1)^n - x^n - 1$.