New posts in divisor-counting-function

The number of divisors of a number whose sum of divisors is a perfect square

Arithmetical Functions Sum, $\sum\limits_{d|n}\sigma(d)\phi(\frac{n}{d})$ and $\sum\limits_{d|n}\tau(d)\phi(\frac{n}{d})$

Method for Counting the Divisors of a number

Euler's totient and divisors count function relationship when $[(\frac{\varphi(n)}{2}+1)\cdot(\frac{\tau(n)}{2}+1)] = n$

For any positive integer $n$, show that $\sum_{d|n}\sigma(d) = \sum_{d|n}(n/d)\tau(d)$

Why multiplying powers of prime factors of a number yields number of total divisors?

Is $\ 7!=5040\ $ the largest highly composite factorial?

Smallest number with specific number of divisors

Have I found all the numbers less than 50,000 with exactly 11 divisors?

Numbers having in decimal representation no common digits with all their proper divisors

How to prove $ \prod_{d|n} d= n^{\frac{\tau (n)}{2}}$

Product of Divisors of some $n$ proof

A number is a perfect square if and only if it has odd number of positive divisors

Prove that $d(n)\leq 2\sqrt{n}$