New posts in expected-value

I've clicked XKCD's "random" button k times and I've already seen all of them. What's the expected number of XKCD's I've seen?

$\mathbb E[ |X| ] < \infty \iff \forall \epsilon : \mathbb E[ |X / \epsilon | ] < \infty$

Expected Value of Absolute Value of Difference between Two Independent Uniform Random Variables

How prove $E|X|^p<\infty$ and $E|Y|^p<\infty$, if $E|X+Y|^p<\infty$

Probability for a random variable to be greater than its mean

An urn with 32 balls where $5\choose r$ are labelled with the number $r$ (for $r=0,1,2,3,4,5$).

Problem on waiting time until the $r$th success

Computing an expectation of a function of an rv $E(f(X))$

$E[1/(M+1)]$ where $M$ is the number of unique items from sampling with replacement

Game of draughts, expected value of first move advantage, part 2

Why is the expected value of the product of standard normals the identity?

Rigorous proof that $\int_{\Omega}X\;dP=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}xf(x)\;dx$

Exercise Problem 25, Chapter 4, Blitzstein and Hwang, Intro to Probability

Birthday problem expectation

If you throw a dice 5 times, what is the expected value of the square of the median?

'Trace trick' for expectations of quadratic forms

Expected number of "BOOK"

Average swaps needed for a random bubble sort algorithm

Puzzle: binary number shrinkage on operation

Expected number of occurrences of the pattern $HTH$ in $n$ independent coin tossings