New posts in expected-value

Expected winning of a player with highest lowest and second highest lowest grouping

9-Bits Game, a Brain Teaser on Information Theory or Cryptography

Why do choirs work?

Finding the expected value of coin flip experiment (Dark Souls problem)

An Optimal Strategy for a Coin Flipping Game

$\mathbb{E}[Z \, Z^T] = I$ with $Z$ gaussian standard vector and $I$ identity matrix

Expected Reward from Poisson Dependent on time

Expectation of geometric summation of exponential random variables

NON-martingale approach to ABRACADABRA problem

Expected value of normal CDF

Find the expectation and standard deviation of the combined mass of rock samples collected

Finding expected value with recursion

Expected number of dice rolls before rolling "1,2,3,4,5,6"

Expected maximum pairwise distance for $n$ points on a circle?

There are n men and n women. Each man chooses k women and each woman chooses k men. (k is given) Woman and man meet iff both of them chose each other

Analytical solutions to $E[f(X_\tau) e^{-\alpha\tau}]$

Chebyshev's inequality to find minimum

What is the expected number of runs of same color in a standard deck of cards?

How do I use expected value in this question?

Calculating the variance of the sum of $X_n$'s