New posts in dual-spaces

Annihilator of a vector space $V$ is the zero subspace of $V^*$

Dual space of $l^1$

Why is $V^{\vee}\otimes W^{\vee}\longrightarrow (V\otimes W)^{\vee}$ always injective?

How to decompose a normed vector space into direct sums with a kernel of functions.

Prove a density result in the usual Hilbert triple

Do groups have Duals?

Is the map sends $T$ to $T^*$ adjoint of $T$ surjective?

Basic question on dual spaces and adjoint in Hilbert spaces

Deducing weak convergence of $f_n$ s.t for every $g \in L^q(\mu)$, $\lim_n \int f_n g \,d\mu$ converges

Prove the dual space of $l^p$ is isomorphic to $l^q$ if $\frac{1}{q}+\frac{1}{p}=1$

Finding a dual basis

Dual space of $\mathcal{C}^n [a,b]$.

How to prove that the canonical inclusion of $V_1^\ast\otimes \cdots \otimes V_n^\ast$ into $(V_1\otimes\cdots\otimes V_n)^\ast$ is an inclusion

I have a hard time interpreting the adjoint of operators defined over Banach spaces

$C_0(X)$ is not the dual of a complete normed space

Dual norm of a product space

Hahn-Banach extensions from $E$ to $E^{**}$.

Show that $(l_1)^* \cong l_{\infty}$

Isometry of $(V\times W)^*$ with $V^*\times W^*$

Why is a dual space a vector space?