New posts in adjoint-operators

Is it possible to define an inner product such that an arbitrary operator is self adjoint?

Gelfand Triples / Rigged Hilbert Spaces - Reflexivity necessary?

$T$ is surjective if and only if the adjoint $T^*$ is an isomorphism (onto its image)

Is the map sends $T$ to $T^*$ adjoint of $T$ surjective?

Eigenvalues of a linear operator from $\mathbb R\to\mathbb C$

T compact if and only if $T^*T$ is compact.

Why $||(T-\lambda I)^*v||=||(T^*-\bar{\lambda}I)v||$ where $T$ is normal operator

Infinite-dimensional inner product space: if $A \geq 0$ and if $\langle Ax, x\rangle = 0$ for some $x$, then $Ax = 0$.

I have a hard time interpreting the adjoint of operators defined over Banach spaces

$(Af)(t)=\int_{0}^{1}\min\{s,t\}f(s)ds$ is compact in $L_2[0,1]$

Problem on adjoints of Linear Operators.

Proving operator is self-adjoint w.r.t. given inner product

Prove that every self-adjoint unitary linear operator can be expressed in the form $U\alpha = \beta - \gamma$

Motivation for adjoint operators in finite dimensional inner-product-spaces

Is intersection of a dense subspace and a closed subspace of a Hilbert space also Dense?

Eigenvalue of self-adjoint

Prove that if $A$ is regular then $\operatorname{adj}(\operatorname{adj}(A)) = (\det A)^{n-2} A$

Fixed point of an adjoint operator

Spectral representation intuitive explanation

Inclusion operator on half-integer weight modular forms and its adjoint