New posts in differential-geometry

How can we show the cone $x^2 +y^2 = z^2$ is not a smooth manifold?

Is there a geometric reason for why every map has a divergence-free Jacobian cofactor matrix?

(Quasi)coherent sheaves on smooth manifolds, and their applications

Parallel Transport - Path independence

Why is a differential equation a submanifold of a jet bundle?

Constant Curvature Metric and Biholomorphic Equivalence

What is a topology?

Calculating the Lie algebra of $SO(2,1)$

Geodesics on the product of manifolds

Covariant derivative versus exterior derivative

What the curvature $2$-form really represents?

Generalizing results on dynamical systems on $\mathbb{R}^n$ to results on general manifolds

Precisely, what is the polar coordinate system?

Quadratic P.S.D. differential operator that is invariant under $\textrm{SL}(2, \mathbb{R})$

Covectors $\omega^1, ..., \omega^k$ are linearly dependent iff their wedge product is zero

notation of differentiation in differential geometry

Using index notation to write $d^2=0$ in terms of a torsion free connection.

Confused about intuition behind Lie derivative

Rewriting a integral using a pullback between manifolds with different dimensions

Gauss Lemma: metric and coordinates