New posts in differential-operators

When do Harmonic polynomials constitute the kernel of a differential operator?

Quadratic P.S.D. differential operator that is invariant under $\textrm{SL}(2, \mathbb{R})$

What is the significance of differential operators over other operators in group theory?

How to look at the Lie derivative as a partial differential operator?

What is the meaning of $1/(D+a)$, where $D$ is the derivative operator?

Determining the action of the operator $D\left(z, \frac d{dz}\right)$

Derivative with respect to a functional

Proof of differential operator identity in DLMF $16.3.5$

Notation of the differential operator [duplicate]

Definition of the principal symbol of a differential operator on a real vector bundle.

How to properly apply the Lie Series

Why is the norm of $x_n(t) = t^n$ for the differentation operator equal to 1?

Applications of Pseudodifferential Operators