New posts in dialects

Does hillbilly slang fall under a type of English language and if not, what is it called?

Term for words meaning both a concept or its best form. Ex: "principles" means "virtue" or "any morals" (good or bad) [duplicate]

Pronunciation of "scone"

A Strange Conditional: "I couldn’t have talked to her that day if I never talked to her again"

Regional meanings of the word "Yankee"

In some parts of America, do people commonly use a flap after /n/, e.g. /ˈwɪn.t̬ɚ/?

Pronunciation of "especially"

Is suffixing a personal name with "-azza"/"-azzer" a standard Cockney nicknaming rule?

"I'm sure" vs. "I'm for sure": Who uses which, and when?

"Forgotten" or "forgot" as past participle of "forget"

Are there different regional pronunciations for "ornery?"

Recognizing a Welsh accent

What caused bell peppers to be called capsicums in some countries?

Morally speaking, 1+1=2

Use of the word 'together' as in the Norfolk dialect

Are there any English dialects that fully distinguish singular and plural second-person pronoun?

Is “who all is” grammatically correct?

Has “if I was” be­come gram­mat­i­cally cor­rect in a south­ern US di­alect? [duplicate]

How would you transcribe and/or describe this vowel?

Why is the Yorkshire dialect called 'Tyke'?