Pronunciation of "especially"

In some podcasts (it seems the speaker was from California) I heard that the word "especially" was pronounced with "ks" sound like "ikspeshally".

What was it likely to be, personal way of pronouncing this word or a local dialect?

Solution 1:

I live in Idaho and I hear people pronounce especially this way all of the time.

More often than not (at least around here) it gets pronounced either "ex-specially" or "eck-specially" or "eg-specially". There are many people here who have their own dialect.

Don't even ask me about "creek" and "crick"...

Solution 2:

I checked more than 10 dictionaries and the pronunciation of "especially" is given as:

/ɪˈspɛʃ(ə)li, ɛ-/

It's probably the personal way of pronouncing that word for the relevant person, which seems wrong to me.