New posts in dialects

"He has been learning to swim" implicates that he doesn’t know how to swim

Are there any mutually unintelligible English dialects?

"Salty" in place of expensive?

Debygawd Cap-en! Where does this phrase come from?

"I hope you all/both are doing well" vs "I hope you are all/both doing well"?

Is bad English called "Butler English"?

Where are phrases such as "my one friend" used?

Britishism: see you fast

Calendric vs Calendrical

Dialectical differences in pronunciation of the 't' sound in “it”, “its”, and “it's”?

Translation and etymology of a slang passage

"Git 'er done"—use of "her" as dummy subject

U vs. Non-U words in contemporary British English

Is 'surface street' specific to southern California?

What word(s) do children of English native speakers use for "kid"/"child"/etc

Is "take a knee" primarily used only in American football/sports?

Does anybody pronounce the word "pillow" as "pellow"?

You'll have had your tea

Using the word 'tiffin' to refer to a lunch box

Cockney wh-dropping