New posts in definition

Usage of the word "formal(ly)"

How to prove the derivative of position is velocity and of velocity is acceleration?

What is the purpose of the $\mp$ symbol in mathematical usage?

Is there an example for an undefinable number?

$\epsilon$ - $\delta$ definition of a limit - smaller $\epsilon$ implies smaller $\delta$?

Math Proofs: Definitions of Intersection and Union

$n$-dimensional holes

How is division symbol usage currently defined?

Definition of $\exp(x)$

Formalizing Those Readings of Leibniz Notation that Don't Appeal to Infinitesimals/Differentials

Two definitions of Jacobson Radical

Discrete random variables definition

What is the definition of the degree of a differential equation?

What does it mean when a bound is sharp?

What does the equal sign mean in mathematics? [duplicate]

Recurrence vs Recursive

Spring - using static final fields (constants) for bean initialization

How to show zsh function definition (like bash "type myfunc")?

Putting "$\forall y(y \in x \to \exists A \in F(y \in A))$" into words

Does any book now in print define the meaning of $\lim_{x\to a}f(x)=b$ for $f\colon E\to Y$, $E\subseteq X$, $X$ a topological space, $Y$ Hausdorff?