New posts in definition

Direct sums and direct products

What is a directed acyclic graph (DAG)?

Is it possible to define $\lceil x\rceil$ in terms of $\lfloor\ldots\rfloor$?

Question about the derivative definition

What are central automorphisms used for?

Understanding of the formal and intuitive definition of a limit

What vector field property means “is the curl of another vector field?”

Definition of a measurable function?

Lie derivative along time-dependent vector fields

Is there a way to relate convexity to Gaussian curvature?

Why is the Logarithm of a negative number undefined?

What is a twisted symmetric group?

What is marshalling? What is happening when something is "marshalled?"

Is this an equivalent definition of a normal subgroup?

When do you call something "a calculus" vs. "a logic"?

Topology induced by a convergence notion

What is the difference between a kernel and a function?

A definition of Conway base-$13$ function

How to write "let" in symbolic logic

What is the formal, precise definition of area (and that of volume) in geometry?