New posts in convex-analysis

Convexity and strong lower semicontinuity imply weak lower semicontinuity

Lipschitz implies bounded gradient

For a convex function, can I say that if the $L^2$ norm of the gradient $f(x)$ is smaller than the $L^2$ norm of gradient $f(y)$, then $f(x) < f(y)$?

Projection of a point onto a convex polyhedra

New Definition of Convex Hull

How to check whether a convex polyhedron is contained in another convex polyhedron?

Find the polar set of $\{(x,y)\in\mathbb R^2: x^2+y^4\le1\}$

When is the difference of two convex functions convex?

Is $\frac{1}{2}\|x\|^2$ the only function that is equal to its convex conjugate?

Continuity of derivative of convex function

proving 1/x is convex (without differentiating)

Log-convexity of the p-norms of a fixed function

Number of ways to separate $n$ points in the plane

Convexity of set $\lambda_{\min}(M) \geq a$ in the space of symmetric matrices

Is $f(x) = e^{−∥x∥^2}$ with $x∈R^n$ concave?

Relationship between convexity and superadditivity?

Can L-smooth (L>0) convex function to be non-differentiable?

Expected values of some properties of the convex hull of a random set of points

Subgradient everywhere terminology

Geometrical Hahn-Banach separation for $A$ and $B$ disjoint and $A$ relatively open.