New posts in convex-analysis

Prove that $\text{aff}(X) = \text{aff}(\text{closure}(X))$

closure, convex hull and closed convex hull

convexity of inverse function

Examples of $f$ strictly convex, either with one minimizer or with no minimizer.

How to convert the matrix completion problem to the standard SDP form?

Chebyshev sets in finite dimension are closed and convex

Elementary applications of Krein-Milman

Is $f^{-1}\big( \sqrt{xf(x)} \big)$ convex (for large $x$) when $f(x) = o(x)$ is concave and strictly increasing?

Convexity of a complicated function

An entropy inequality

All norm is strictly convex function? [closed]

Is a convex function always twice differentiable?

Convexity of a rational function

Characterization of log-convexity

Extreme points of the unit ball of the space $c_0 = \{ \{x_n\}_{n=1}^\infty \in \ell^\infty : \lim_{n\to\infty} x_n = 0\}$

Is the function characterized by $f(\alpha x+(1-\alpha) y) \le f^{\alpha}(\alpha x)f^{1-\alpha}(y)$ convex?

Proof (without use of differential calculus) that $e^{\sqrt{x}}$ is convex on $[1,+\infty)$.

Lovasz Extension Intuition

Convexity, Hessian matrix, and positive semidefinite matrix

Convex function can be written as supremum of some affine functions