New posts in contractions

Meaning of "How'd you know?": "would", "did", or "do"?

How to spell the contraction of "might as well"

Can 's be used to mean was? [duplicate]

Is "that've" a valid contraction for "that have"?

Is there a contraction for "where are" like "where's" for "where is"?

What is the difference between "’ll" and "will"?

Contraction of "is not"

Can you make contractions in this way?

Why do we say "This is " instead of "This's"?

How do you abbreviate "Government"?

Are there such forms as this's and which's? [closed]

Mixing contracted and uncontracted phrases in the same sentence

Contraction of Have/Has/Had

Should a contraction taken from the center of a word have two apostrophes? [closed]

Creative writing in intentionally archaic language: parallelism in abnormal contractions

Is this usage of "aren't" proper English?

Using the contraction of "are"

"You're not" vs. "you ain't" [duplicate]

Contracting "Should not have" [duplicate]

"who doesn't" vs. "who don't"