Should a contraction taken from the center of a word have two apostrophes? [closed]

I'm currently reading Entrepreneur Magazine, and there is a story profiling a 13-year-old who created a series of stickers to embellish Lego blocks. The subtitle of the story reads

A pint-size 'trep solves a sticky toy dilemma

This doesn't seem right to me. Since 'trep is a contraction of entrepreneur, and the word is losing en- from the left side and -reneur from the right. Wouldn't the correct subtitle read

A pint-size 'trep' solves a sticky toy dilemma

Yes, it looks awful, but wouldn't it be technically correct?

Solution 1:

Trep may not be a contraction at all but a clipping.

In linguistics, clipping is the word formation process which consists in the reduction of a word to one of its parts (Marchand: 1969). Clipping is also known as "truncation" or "shortening."

Trep would be an example of Middle clipping: similar to flu (influenza), jams (pajamas) etc. and as such probably doesn't require any apostrophes.

There is also back clipping: ad (advertisement), cable (cablegram), doc (doctor), exam (examination), fax (facsimile), gas (gasoline), gym (gymnastics, gymnasium), memo (memorandum), mutt (muttonhead), pub (public house), pop (popular music).

And fore-clipping: chute (parachute), coon (raccoon), gator (alligator), phone (telephone), pike (turnpike), varsity (university)