New posts in compounds

Must attributive nouns always be singular in form? [duplicate]

Plural of feedback

In English you have 'above', 'on', 'over' and 'on top of' but in Italian one word, 'sopra', covers all four meanings

"Ongoing" or "on-going"

How is "erogenous" incorrectly formed?

Which is right: "drop-down" or "drop down"? [closed]

What does the word, “truth-up” mean?

Why are certain single word compound nouns pluralized in the middle

What is the origin of suffixing "-ass" to adjectives?

Obscenities considered less obscene in compounds? [NSFW]

"a while" vs "awhile"

Why is "rollback it" incorrect?

Pre-construction and post construction [duplicate]

Is the term "ice cream" considered one word or two?

Why is it gerontology and not geronology?

A word for being willing to accept the decisions and/or actions of machines

Hyphenating measurements [duplicate]

Can "whatever" be split into two words?

Why does pluralization of compound words typically occur in the middle as opposed to the end of the word?

Quintology or Pentalogy?