New posts in comparisons

Grammar rules for parellelism in comparisons and variations according to verb placement

"I am extremely smarter than you."

Confusion regarding "I" and "me" [duplicate]

"a couple": adverbial phrase

Difference between I and Me [duplicate]

"the better" vs "the best" of two players

When should you use "then" and when "than"?

"He is better than _____." (1) I (2) I am?

What is the grammatical structure after the comma?

Why is "not as ... as" preferred to "not cheaper than"?

Word that indicates that "lower is better", such as scoring in golf

Recommend something "better" or "more" than

Assume vs. presuppose

"My bad" versus "My mistake"

not matched by vs. unmatched by

What is the difference between "aged" and "age"?

Is "'as' + article + adjective + noun + 'as'" grammatically correct?

Name of this lyrical device comparing oneself to something that's described by the same word, but in another sense of the word?

Why is the opposite of "greater than" "less than"?

Why can we say “worth more than” but not “expensive more than”?