Is "'as' + article + adjective + noun + 'as'" grammatically correct?

  1. The sentiments expressed in the tweets can be as accurate a measure as is found with traditional telephone surveys.

The sentence above is grammatically correct. I wonder if it is still ok when I write like this,

  1. The sentiments expressed in the tweets can be as an accurate measure as is found with traditional telephone surveys.

Why is it grammatical or ungrammatical?

Plus, even if the second sentence is ungrammatical, can it be accepted in ordinary conversation? Thank you!

Your rephrase isn't quite natural with "can be." But let's suppose you'd said "The sentiments in the tweets can be treated as an accurate measure, as is found with traditional telephone surveys." That's fine, but you've said that tweets are an accurate gauge, and that there are similar gauges to be found in analyzing traditional telephone surveys. Your first version compares the two directly and found them to be equally accurate, which is a bit different.

Just about anything can be accepted in ordinary conversation because the person you're talking to can always ask "Huh?"