New posts in command-line

Using terminal to have xflux at a certain temperature at all times

Why so many shell in /bin

GNU screen multiuser mode is broken in OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard)

Is it possible to make Gnome Terminal show the name of the file I am editting in vim as the tab title?

Is there a way to make Windows Vista command prompt run in 256 colors so I can use my VIM color theme in it?

Print a list of "full" relative paths of all the files present in a directory and in its sub-directories

Error concatenating directory path in bash script

Lazy Calculation result of bash functions in alias

Changing desktop background in bash [duplicate]

How can I read windows product licence key from UEFI in Linux?

Which is the best font for Console/Terminal/Command Prompt in Linux/Windows? [closed]

Is it possible to parse only "version":"8.9" from json file

View text in terminal with specific patterns highlighted

Adding variable text to text file by line

How to send a notification using at command?

How does curl print to terminal while piping

How to paste github-copied links into terminal with shift+insert

Do the parenthesis have to be quoted on find command actions?

Confused about grep and the * wildcard

xdotool how to select desktop send F5 and return?